The Freedom Programme

The problem

Have you experienced domestic abuse?
Are you still living with an abuser?
Are you struggling to understand how and why this happened to you?
Have you changed who you are because of him?
Are you constantly walking on eggshells?
Are you telling yourself you will never date again? Or are you nervous
about getting into another relationship?
Are you trying to move on with your life, but he keeps trying to control
you post-separation?
Do you have children together?
Are you finding it impossible to parallel-parent?

Now imagine....

You understand the journey into an abusive relationship, and why this was never your fault.

You can identify the many masks that an abuser wears and the games that are being played.

You know where the abusers’ belief systems come from and how they use these as an excuse for their behaviour.

You find ways and means of taking back some control safely so that you don’t have feelings of being in a constant state of fight or flight.

You can set up some solid boundaries for yourself and understand what you want and need from relationships.

You can now identify the ‘red flags and take notice of the internal alarm bells when meeting new people. You are using this new knowledge as your superpower.

We learn about safety measures and precautions to use post- separation. You understand the challenges of parenting with an abuser and build up your emotional toolkit to help you look after your mental health and well-being.