Stay or Go

The fear of being alone is one of the most powerful emotions that hold us back from leaving a relationship.

The thought of stepping into the unknown, and losing companionship, emotional support, and shared experiences can be overwhelming. The fear of loneliness can be particularly amplified when you have invested significant time and effort into the relationship as you may worry that you will have to start all over again from scratch.

Relationships are complex and multi-faceted, capable of bringing immense joy and fulfilment but also moments of doubt and uncertainty. At some point, you may find yourself grappling with the daunting decision of whether to stay or walk away from the relationship

While every situation is unique, common fears tend to emerge, creating a whirlwind of emotions that cloud your judgement.

How I can support

The decision of whether to stay or leave a relationship is rarely easy, and it is often shaped by a range of complex emotions and fears.

Loneliness, uncertainty, financial insecurity, social pressure, and the fear of starting over are just a few of the apprehensions that people face when contemplating such a significant life choice. I recognize that these fears, though valid, should not be the sole driving force behind our decisions.

I offer a thoughtful and systematic evaluation of your relationship, communication style, patterns and personal needs. I provide a safe space for introspection that empowers you to make an informed decision and gain clarity, confidence and peace of mind about whether to stay or go.