
Empower Your Breakup & Divorce Journey with a Personalized Messenger Service.

Navigating the challenging waters of breakup, divorce, or domestic abuse can feel overwhelming and isolating.

Many of my clients have found my messenger support service included within my coaching programs to be instrumental in their journeys. It provides immediate answers and guidance whenever needed, offering individualised support.

Through Signal Messengera private, and secure voice messaging app that protects confidentiality you have a safe space to communicate.

Why Choose Messenger?

I’ve learned from my clients that a scheduled coaching session isn’t always feasible. Life doesn’t stop for a breakup or divorce, so my messenger service can seamlessly fit into your busy schedule.

Every breakup and divorce is unique, and for some, the process may be long and arduous. I can give you tailored advice specific to your situation, ensuring you receive the most relevant and practical guidance.

This ongoing encouragement offers continuous emotional support, helping you stay motivated and resilient. 

Messenger Vs Coaching
What’s the difference?

During your breakup or divorce, there will be moments when you need quick advice or have a question that doesn’t require a full one-hour coaching call. 
Here are some examples of the difference between my new messenger service and coaching.


  • My lawyer hasn’t replied to my last email, and we only have three days to respond to the court. I’m panicking. What do I do?
  • I have an important meeting at work today, and I can’t think straight. What can I do to focus?
  • I just got a message from my Ex. This is what I want to send back, what do you think?
  • I am about to go to court; I am shaking. How can I calm down?


  • I need to leave this relationship safely. What do I do?
  • Is what I am experiencing abuse? I am not sure.
  • My ex has sent me ten hurtful emails over the weekend. I am overwhelmed and don’t know what to do. How shall I respond?
  • I want to switch out my divorce lawyer, I am so unhappy with the service. Where should I start?
  • I don’t know whether I should stay or leave this relationship. I am at a crossroads.